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Abel Fernandez

Attorney Abel Fernandez believes in the aggressive representation of injured workers. Workers’ compensation law is a very difficult and frustrating area of the law. Employees routinely have medical treatment and benefits delayed or denied by insurance companies. Mr. Fernandez fights for the rights of the injured worker to get medical treatment and the maximum amount of benefits possible. We have experience fighting the insurance company and adjusters, and we are committed to obtaining the best outcome possible for our clients.

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Repetitive Stress Injuries Are Not As Insignificant As They Sound

Repetitive stress injuries are not as insignificant as they sound

When thinking of long-term harm caused by work-related injuries, most people might picture construction or industrial workers. However, repetitive stress injuries are progressive and often only diagnosed when damage is already irreversible. This painful condition can affect workers in many work environments, from office workers to poultry processing line workers. Repetitive stress injuries are not […]

Repetitive stress injuries are not as insignificant as they sound Read More »

Excavations And Trenches Pose Severe Construction Site Hazards

Excavations and trenches pose severe construction site hazards

When discussing the typical safety hazards posed by trenches, cave-in prevention is typically the most significant concern. However, suppose you are a member of a trench-work crew on a construction site in California. In that case, you should know that construction workers around excavations of any kind face multiple other risks. Employers in California are

Excavations and trenches pose severe construction site hazards Read More »

How Can California Workers Be Safe In The Wildfire Season

How can California workers be safe in the wildfire season?

From June through September, people of all walks of life in California are affected by the annual wildfire season. Work-related hazards during this time threaten more than those fighting the fires. This year, with many people working at home, even more employees risk the adverse effects of wildfire smoke.   What are wildfires? Wildfires are

How can California workers be safe in the wildfire season? Read More »

What Workers In All Industries Need To Know About Corrosives

What workers in all industries need to know about corrosives

Imagine what damage corrosive materials that can destroy metals do when they come into contact with human skin, lungs or eyes. Although corrosives are more prevalent in some industries, they are also present in manufacturing, laboratories and even in kitchens. The wide use makes it crucial for workers in all industries in California to learn

What workers in all industries need to know about corrosives Read More »

Many Construction Site Injuries Involve Ladders

Many construction site injuries involve ladders

Ladders are essential equipment on all construction sites in California, including in Irvine. The frequent use of ladders often causes construction workers to become complacent and disregard the dangers ladder use poses. It is the employer’s responsibility to provide adequate safety training and ensure the safety of employees. The correct choice of a ladder is

Many construction site injuries involve ladders Read More »

Most Construction Falls Involve Roof Works

Most construction falls involve roof works

Severe injuries and deaths occur on construction sites in Irvine and across California each year. A significant percentage of those falls occur during roof work. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health provides safety guidelines and regulations that make such injuries and deaths preventable.   Safety precautions Mitigating construction site hazards starts with safety

Most construction falls involve roof works Read More »

The Many Safety Precautions Involved In Trucker Safety

The many safety precautions involved in trucker safety

Hauling loads on commercial motor vehicles in California and across state lines is a dangerous occupation. Although there are many precautions truckers can take to protect themselves, they will always be at risk of crossing paths with negligent drivers en route to their destinations. Although big rig operators face many occupational injury risks unrelated to

The many safety precautions involved in trucker safety Read More »

Conveyors Prevent Some Injuries But Cause Others

Conveyors prevent some injuries but cause others

In California, many workplaces use conveyors. Although conveyors are typically associated with manufacturing plants, they are also widely used in agriculture, fulfillment centers, material handling and more. The primary reason for using them is eliminating or reducing worker injuries from carrying heavy or awkwardly shaped objects.   Risks that give rise to conveyor-related injuries However,

Conveyors prevent some injuries but cause others Read More »

Pinch points in factories can do a whole lot more than pinching

Factory workers in Irvine and across California could suffer catastrophic injuries in the blink of an eye. Without the necessary guards and other safety precautions, workers’ body parts could be caught between objects, or they could somehow become entangled in moving machine parts. Although some incidents cause nothing more than lacerations or bruises, crushed or

Pinch points in factories can do a whole lot more than pinching Read More »

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