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San Clemente Sexual Harassment Lawyer

San Clemente Sexual Harassment Attorney

Sexual harassment happens in virtually every industry in workplaces all across the country. Many people working in San Clemente experience sexual harassment without knowing their rights and what they can do to stop this mistreatment at work. If you believe you have experienced sexual harassment of any kind, it is vital that you speak with a San Clemente sexual harassment lawyer as quickly as possible.

Best San Clemente Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Representing Sexual Harassment Claims in San Clemente, CA

The attorneys at the Diefer Law Group have successfully represented many past clients in all types of complex and emotionally straining employment law cases, including sexual harassment claims. We know that these cases are inherently complex, and every client has a unique story. We take time to listen to our clients, helping them identify the key opportunities and challenges they might encounter as their cases unfold.

When you choose our firm as your legal representative, we can immediately begin investigating the details of your claim, helping you to gather crucial evidence that can prove the exact nature of the mistreatment you experienced. Unlike most other civil claims filed in San Clemente, a sexual harassment claim requires that you first submit a claim to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The EEOC must review and approve your claim before you can proceed with a civil lawsuit. However, once you have the EEOC’s support, winning your case is very likely, and your employer will likely hurry to arrange a settlement negotiation as swiftly as possible. This is not always the case for every claim; however, having an experienced San Clemente sexual harassment lawyer on your side will ensure you are prepared for any unexpected issues that arise.

Building Your Sexual Harassment Suit in San Clemente

One of the hardest parts of winning a sexual harassment claim in San Clemente is proving the truth of your experience. Individuals who knowingly engage in sexual harassment in the workplace typically take steps to conceal their actions or at least minimize any evidence that might be later used against them. Physical evidence, written records, and other documentation may be in short supply in your case.

However, it does not mean you cannot find evidence to support your claim. An experienced San Clemente sexual harassment lawyer can assist you in obtaining testimony from coworkers who may have seen or heard things that support your case, or they may have experienced similar mistreatment at work. Security camera footage from your workplace and various forms of digital evidence could come into play.

Once you believe you have the evidence needed to support your case, your attorney can help you submit a claim to the EEOC. You must submit this claim within 180 days of the last incident of harassment you experienced. The EEOC will investigate and, if they approve your claim, allow you to move forward with your civil lawsuit.

You may be entitled to various compensatory damages, and it is also possible to recover punitive damages based on the number of employees your employer has. You also have the right to seek compensation for pain and suffering, and this could form a substantial portion of your total case award to account for the psychological and physical harm you experienced. The Diefer Law Group is ready to help maximize your recovery as much as state law allows.


Q: Can You Sue Your Employer for Sexual Harassment in San Clemente?

A: Yes, you can sue your employer for sexual harassment in San Clemente, even if your employer was not negligent. Under state law, your employer is strictly liable for any sexual harassment you experience in the workplace they manage. Your employer is responsible for creating and enforcing an anti-harassment policy, and they must also have an internal conflict resolution process to help you resolve any such issues you encounter.

Q: What Are Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

A: The most common examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include quid pro quo sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. Quid pro quo refers to a proposed transaction of sexual favors in exchange for job-related benefits. Hostile work environment cases involve an employee subjected to harassment that makes it impossible for them to adequately complete their job duties.

Q: What Compensation Can I Claim for Sexual Harassment in San Clemente?

A: The compensation you could claim for sexual harassment in San Clemente includes back pay for the income you were unable to earn because of the harassment, repayment of lost benefits and other economic losses you incurred, compensation for your pain and suffering, and punitive damages. Compensatory and punitive damages are limited based on the number of employees your employer has.

Q: Can I Be Fired for Filing a Sexual Harassment Complaint at Work?

A: If you are fired for filing a sexual harassment complaint at work, and your complaint was filed in good faith, your employer has committed a wrongful termination and faces severe legal penalties. While an employer has the right to fire employees at their discretion under at-will employment law, they may not fire an employee for exercising legally protected action. Consult an attorney immediately if you believe you have been wrongfully terminated.

Q: Why Should I Hire a San Clemente Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

A: You should hire a San Clemente sexual harassment lawyer because you are more likely to succeed with any kind of sexual harassment lawsuit if you have legal representation. Your attorney can help gather evidence necessary for supporting your claim, guide you through the EEOC claim filing process, and help accurately determine the damages you can seek. You are more likely to reach a positive outcome for your case with their help.

The team at the Diefer Law Group is ready to provide the focused and compassionate legal representation you need on your side for your impending sexual harassment claim. We know that this type of case is inherently complex and emotionally straining, but with our help, you can approach the situation with confidence and peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a trustworthy San Clemente sexual harassment lawyer.

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