Orange County Sexual Harassment Inappropriate Physical Contact Attorney
Orange County Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Any type of sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable, but some forms of sexual harassment are more serious than others. Once harassment reaches the level of unwanted physical contact, the party responsible is likely to face criminal charges in addition to liability for the victim’s civil claim. If you have experienced any form of unwanted touching, groping, or sexual assault at work, the attorneys at Diefer Law Group can help.
Our firm has many years of experience handling all types of employment law cases for clients in Orange County, and we can leverage this experience in your case. We take time to develop an individualized case strategy for every client we represent, and we know that no two cases are exactly alike. When you have been inappropriately touched in any way at work, this may not only form grounds for a sexual harassment complaint but also a criminal case against the party who touched you. We take these cases very seriously and will provide the compassionate and responsive legal counsel you need to approach your case with some peace of mind.
Defining Unwanted Physical Contact in the Workplace
Many people in all types of workplaces may experience unwanted physical contact and not know how to respond. The bottom line is that if any form of physical contact from a supervisor or a coworker is unwanted, you must tell them this and ask firmly that they do not do it again. Anything from rubbing a shoulder, stroking your hair, or trying to hold your hand can qualify as sexual harassment if it is unwanted. Unfortunately, many incidents of unwanted physical contact are more overt and distressing, such as groping or outright sexual assault.
If you believe a recent incident qualifies as unwanted physical contact, you should speak with an experienced Orange County sexual harassment attorney as soon as possible. They can assist you in determining your options for legal recourse in this situation. You have the right to file a claim to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to have them investigate the details of your experience
When the EEOC investigates your claim, they are likely to interview you, your employer, and possibly other employees at your workplace. If they determine that the unwanted physical contact you experienced qualifies as sexual harassment, they are likely to issue you a Notice of Right to Sue that lets you proceed with a sexual harassment claim. However, if the physical contact you experienced rose to the level of sexual assault or sexual battery, the EEOC may coordinate with law enforcement and criminal charges will be filed against the defendant.
Diefer Law Group knows how traumatic it can be to suffer any form of sexual harassment at work, especially if it reaches a level of physical contact of any kind. Our team will provide the comprehensive legal representation you will need for every step of your case. We have successfully represented many past sexual harassment claims and other employment disputes for clients throughout Orange County, and we can put this experience to work for you.
Sexual Harassment Attorney FAQs
Q: Does Physical Touch Qualify as Sexual Harassment?
A: There is no reason for any physical contact to occur between coworkers or between a supervisor and their employee. Unwanted physical contact qualifies as sexual harassment, and once an employee makes it known that the contact is unwanted, it should cease immediately. If it does not, or if it progresses to the level of assault, the victim needs to consult an Orange County sexual harassment attorney as soon as possible.
Q: Can I Sue Someone for Touching Me at Work?
A: If you are physically touched in any unwanted manner, you must immediately tell the person who touched you that the contact was unwanted and not to do it again. Most employers offer internal conflict resolution options for these situations, but if you do not reach any acceptable results, you will need to file an EEOC complaint. Any form of groping or sexual assault could also lead to criminal charges for the party responsible.
Q: What Are the Penalties for Sexual Assault in the Workplace?
A: Sexual assault of any kind is a serious crime, and the defendant responsible for this can face many penalties, including fines and jail time. They could also be compelled to register as a sex offender. This may lead to loss of employment and make it very difficult for them to qualify for certain jobs in the future. They will also be liable for the victim’s civil damages and may owe restitution to the victim as well.
Q: Do I Need an Attorney to File a Sexual Assault Claim?
A: Technically, no, you have the right to try and manage your claim on your own, and there is no law in California requiring you to hire legal counsel. However, you are far more likely to succeed with your claim if you have legal representation. Your attorney can guide you through the EEOC claim filing process and a subsequent civil suit. If criminal charges are filed against the party who assaulted you, your attorney can advise you as to how this may impact your recovery efforts and whether you may need to testify as a witness against them.
Q: What Does It Cost to Hire an Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney?
A: Every attorney representing employment law cases in Orange County will have their own billing policy. Some attorneys charge by the hour, so the more time they spend on a case, the more it costs the client. Others offer contingency fee agreements, only taking a percentage of a client’s case award as their fee if and when they win their case. Take time to thoroughly review a prospective sexual harassment attorney’s billing policy so there are no surprises in terms of your legal fees at the end of your case.
Don’t Go Through the Process of a Sexual Harassment Claim Alone
Diefer Law Group has the experience, resources, and skills you want on your side for a sexual harassment claim involving unwanted sexual contact. If you are unsure how to proceed with seeking accountability for your experience, we can help. Contact our team today and schedule a free consultation with an Orange County sexual harassment attorney you can trust.
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