A great deal of effort is put into protecting employees as they complete their job-related tasks in California. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration creates regulations intended to prevent workplace accidents from occurring in addition to conducting inspections and investigations to determine if violations have occurred. Despite these efforts, accidents can still happen, leaving employees suffering both physically and financially.
These victims are often entitled to workers’ compensation insurance benefits. However, many are unsure of the process. Fortunately, Diefer Law Group, P.C. is here to help navigate injured workers throughout the compensation process.
The first step following an accident that results in an obvious injury, such as a burn or fracture, is to seek medical treatment. Some injuries are less obvious and may not be readily apparent, making it beneficial to create a record of the injury. Part of a medical record could include an incident report that the victim’s immediate supervisor creates about the accident once he or she is notified. Even if an accident does not cause obvious injuries, seeking medical treatment is important to check for silent injuries such as internal bleeding.
The workers’ compensation process is dedicated to ensuring that injured workers are able to seek the treatment they need without concern over the financial implications. Unfortunately, the path to obtaining workers’ compensation insurance benefits following a workplace accident can be lengthy and complicated. In some cases, employers and insurance companies in California may prioritize their interests over those of the injured worker. As such, Diefer Law Group, P.C. is dedicated to helping injured workers seek the compensation they deserve.