Remote work has become an increasingly viable option for many workers in California and elsewhere, especially during the last couple of years. Working remotely offers a range of benefits for the employee, including not having to commute in heavy traffic and not having to dress for the office environment. Unfortunately, an increasing number of remote workers are experiencing workplace discrimination even as they work from home.
A recent report cited several research studies conducted in 2021. Reports from the State of Workplace Discrimination 2021 and Sate of Workplace Wrongdoing in 2021 found that approximately 80% of victims of workplace discrimination were remote workers. Without specifying actual reasons, the reports stated the following are the most common types of workplace discrimination employees were experiencing:
- Being passed over for
- promotions
- Being denied raises
- Being harassed, eithers
- exually or otherwise
- Experiencing demotion
- Getting fired
The report did state that not all employees who experience discrimination file reports. As such, the actual number may be higher. Respondents mentioned not being able to submit a claim anonymously as a reason for not filing a claim. Of those who made claims, only around half of them saw their issue fully resolved. This suggests that a lot still must be done from the employer’s side regarding how to handle discrimination claims.
All employees have a right to work in an environment free from discrimination or hostility, even working from home. Should an employee experience discrimination on the job or any other violation of his or her rights as a worker, that employee can consult with an experienced employment law attorney for help. Working directly with a lawyer can help the aggrieved employee’s voice to be heard and will increase his or her chances of obtaining a successful resolution to the matter.