San Diego Catastrophic Work Injury Lawyer
San Diego Catastrophic Work Injury Attorney
Workers in San Diego take on high-risk careers, such as construction and mining jobs, in order to provide for themselves and their families. However, such conditions can be dangerous, with a higher risk of catastrophic injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered from a work accident that led to a catastrophic injury, a compassionate San Diego catastrophic work injury lawyer from Diefer Law Group, P.C., can support you with getting the compensation you are entitled to.
The employment law legal team at Diefer Law Group, P.C., has been working tirelessly for years to protect employees in San Diego and surrounding areas who have suffered because of devastating workplace injuries.
We employ a client-centered approach, taking care to understand the extent of each case and evaluating the overall damages suffered because of the accident. Together, we can build and execute a comprehensive legal plan to help you get workers’ compensation for the damages suffered.
What Is a Catastrophic Work Injury in San Diego, California?
A catastrophic work injury in San Diego is considered to be an injury that is severe and that happens while a worker is carrying out job duties. Catastrophic work injuries can commonly lead to long-term disabilities, disfigurement, physical and mental impairments, or even death. Catastrophic work injuries commonly seen in San Diego include severe burns, amputations, partial or full paralysis, and traumatic brain injuries.
If you have suffered from a severe injury that has impacted your ability to live and work as you could before your accident, a dedicated catastrophic work injury lawyer from Diefer Law Group, P.C., can help you get extensive compensation for your medical treatment demands, long-term care and life-support, or rehabilitation. We can help you get the coverage you need to ensure your security.
What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a system intended to provide employees with financial support after they’ve suffered a workplace injury and prevent the need for personal injury claims against employers. Because it is a no-fault system, employers usually cannot be sued for workplace injuries, even if they were at fault. However, this also means that in most cases, employees can seek workers’ comp even if they caused their own injuries.
The damages covered include a portion of the wages the employee does not earn while out of work, as well as medical expenses.
How Can a San Diego Catastrophic Work Injury Lawyer Help Me?
If you have been harmed in an accident in the workplace and have suffered catastrophic injuries as a result, you are likely wondering whether you should work with legal representation. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of such a lawyer can help you determine whether their services are right for your case. A catastrophic work injury lawyer from our firm can provide you with legal guidance to help you understand how to obtain workers’ compensation.
We can negotiate with insurance companies and advocate on your behalf in court if a fair and reasonable settlement cannot be reached.
Catastrophic work injuries are more complex than work injuries that are typically experienced on the job and, therefore, require astute and experienced employment lawyers who have decades of experience representing similar cases. A thoughtful and skilled lawyer from Diefer Law Group, P.C., can provide you with the emotional support and legal guidance you need during this time to defend your rights and optimize your workers’ comp settlement.
Q: How Long Do I Have to Report My Work-Related Catastrophic Injury in California?
A: The amount of time you have to report a work-related catastrophic injury in California is typically thirty days after suffering the injury. If you fail to do so, you might be unable to access workers’ comp benefits. It’s also useful to report your injury soon after it occurs so that you can receive benefits as quickly as possible. You should be notified of whether or not your claim was accepted within 90 days. However, if it is denied, you could challenge the decision in an attempt to still collect benefits.
Q: What Should I Do if You Get Hurt at Work in California?
A: If you are injured at work in California, it’s important to call 911 or seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are experiencing an emergency. Even if you didn’t suffer severe injuries, it’s useful to see a medical provider. You will also need to report the accident and injury details to your employer right away. If you fail to report your injury within 30 days, you could lose your rights to workers’ compensation.
Q: What Is the Compensation for a Workers Injury in California?
A: If you have been injured in the California workplace, then you can receive compensation to cover your medical bills for as long as you suffer the condition or illness or as long as you are disabled.
Workers’ compensation can cover all medical expenses associated with your injuries, including doctor’s visits, surgeries, medicine, medical devices, assistive devices, and transportation to and from appointments. You can be paid up to two-thirds of your wages from before the accident to compensate for lost wages due to temporary disability.
Q: Can I Sue My Employer for a Workplace Injury in California?
A: You could sue your employer for a workplace injury in California in certain cases. However, this is generally uncommon. Under workers’ compensation laws, employees typically cannot sue their employers, even if they were at fault for the accident that caused their injuries. However, in cases where the employer was particularly reckless or had malicious intent that led to the injury-causing accident, it may be possible to bring forward a personal injury claim against them.
Start Working With a San Diego Catastrophic Work Injury Lawyer Today
If you have suffered catastrophic workplace injuries, you can pursue a workers’ compensation claim, which should cover economic damages like medical bills and lost wages.
A dedicated and empathetic lawyer from our firm can meet with you to understand the details of your case, document and evaluate the extent of your damages, and work together to build a strong legal strategy that helps you recover compensation. Reach out today to begin working with us.
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