Los Angeles Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Los Angeles Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Attorney
Many individuals think of a man harassing a woman or a woman harassing a man when they hear the phrase “sexual harassment.” However, harassment can occur between individuals of the same sex as well. This is not just something that may arise between members of the LGBTQ+ community, but can also happen in order to put co-workers down, threaten them, or make them quit. In these cases, a Los Angeles same-sex sexual harassment lawyer can prove essential.
Just because you have been harassed at your place of work by an individual of the same sex does not mean the incident did not count as sexual harassment. At Diefer Law Group, we understand that sexual harassment comes in many different forms, but each one is valid, and each victim deserves their chance at holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions and behaviors. We are here to assist you to -better understand your legal options in these cases.
What Constitutes Same-Sex Sexual Harassment?
Same-sex sexual harassment can occur in various forms in your Los Angeles place of work. Typically, a victim of same-sex sexual harassment will become subject to sexual advances of an unwanted nature from an individual of the same sex. In addition to the workplace, these actions and behaviors can happen in settings of academia, religion, and many other public or private spaces.
When faced with same-sex sexual harassment, most individuals can be subject to a wide range of actions or behaviors, including unwanted touching or groping, negative commentary on their sex or gender, suffering a hostile work environment due to acts of harassment, being offered certain job benefits in exchange for sexual favors from a supervisor, manager, or boss, or being threatened with certain actions of retaliation from a superior if sexual favors are not granted.
When these instances occur, the effects of sexual harassment can go beyond the victim’s place of work and can impact their physical and mental health. This may lead to an increased risk for certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, which could then result in the victim being unable to perform certain job duties, leading to their demotion or employment termination. When these situations occur, the victim may be entitled to forms of compensation.
Additionally, an individual may be subject to same-sex sexual harassment by a member of the opposite sex if that member is basing their harassment on the individual’s sexual orientation or gender. This form of sex and gender discrimination is illegal, and an attorney can review your case in order to determine your legal options when dealing with this form of same-sex sexual harassment.
Diefer Law Group: Upholding Your Legal Protections Against Same-Sex Sexual Harassment
At Diefer Law Group, our attorneys have over 60 years of shared experience representing clients facing a litany of sexual harassment cases. We are prepared to face any civil litigation that may become necessary in your sexual harassment claim and are fully prepared to deal with your employer and their legal team. With our personal, sensitive, and compassionate approach to these cases, you can be assured that the right people are fighting for you.
Proving Same-Sex Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles
There are four main elements that your legal team will have to demonstrate are true when proving a same-sex sexual harassment claim in Los Angeles.
These elements are that you are a member of a protected community outlined in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, that you have been subject to unwanted sexual harassment, that this harassment was based on your sex, and that the harassment was serious or pervasive enough to cause you to suffer and alter the conditions of your employment.
In order to prove these elements, you and your legal team can gather and provide the following forms of evidence:- Documentation. Certain forms of documentation can prove an act of same-sex sexual harassment has taken place. This documentation can include a written record of the events of harassment, including dates and times, digital communications such as texts or emails, or any handwritten communications from the perpetrator.
- Testimony. If anyone was witness to the events of same-sex sexual harassment you have suffered, they may be able to provide your case with testimony. Likewise, if an individual can testify that the perpetrator carries a certain bias or opinion against the LGBTQ+ community, this might help prove your case.
Q: What Are the Grounds for a Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit?
A: There can be several reasons one might seek to pursue a sexual discrimination lawsuit. These reasons can include they are experiencing a hostile work environment due to sexual harassment, their co-workers are using certain terminology around or to them, are requesting sexual favors or making unwanted physical contact, or their employer is engaging in quid pro quo, meaning they are offering certain benefits or threats in exchange for sexual favors.
Q: What Is an Example of Gender-Based Harassment?
A: There are many instances of gender-based harassment that can occur in a Los Angeles workplace. Examples of these instances can include the use of gender slurs or discriminatory terms, unwanted and unnecessary physical contact, using derogatory names in order to put someone down, make them quit, or otherwise threaten them, and making inappropriate “jokes” based on an individual’s preferred gender.
Q: Can I Get Fired for Filing a Sexual Harassment Claim?
A: You can get fired from your place of employment for a variety of reasons in California. However, it is illegal for your employer to fire you in an act of retaliation against you, exercising your legal rights as afforded to you under certain state and federal laws. If your employer fires you only on the grounds of you filing a claim, this will only land them in further situations of legal hot water.
Q: What Compensation Is Available in a Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Case?
A: Depending on the nature of your same-sex sexual harassment case, there can be several forms of compensation you are entitled to. These can include compensation for lost wages, loss of job opportunities, medical bills for necessary counseling and therapy, attorney fees, court filing fees, pain and suffering, and emotional or mental distress and anguish.
If You Have Been Wronged, a Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Attorney Can Make It Right
With our extensive knowledge, the attorneys at Diefer Law Group are prepared to assist individuals who have suffered following an experience with same-sex sexual harassment. Contact our offices today to set up your free consultation and learn how we might be of assistance to you.
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