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Employment Law

Understanding Californias new employment laws for 2022

Understanding California’s new employment laws for 2022

The publication of the Essentials October edition marks the end of the California’s legislative session. In that are updates to California’s employment laws for next year. The following details a few of the updates.   Sexual discrimination and harassment claims For claims initiated after the new year, the law extends the prohibition already in place

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Disability discrimination case moves forward after appeal

Disability discrimination case moves forward after appeal

When employers are worried about their bottom line, they may not always take the time to treat their employees with proper respect and consideration. While this is not always against the law, it is possible for employers to commit disability discrimination if they do not provide reasonable accommodation for workers or if they otherwise violate

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State law update now protects workers reporting discrimination

State law update now protects workers reporting discrimination

Employment laws play an important part in allowing workers to feel that their rights and their jobs are protected. In many cases, workers may need to enforce their rights under various laws in order to ensure that employers do not carry out illegal actions in the workplace. Of course, many workers may be hesitant to

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Some workers fear reporting violations of their rights

For workers in California, the fear of losing their jobs or facing other retaliation might prevent them from reporting violations of their rights. However, the law is on their side. It is a good idea to become familiar with the available steps they could take should their rights ever be violated. The law protects employees

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Pregnant employees in California have protections and rights

California employment law protects employees of businesses with five or more workers. Women have rights to reasonable accommodation related to mental and physical conditions during pregnancy or loss of pregnancy and childbirth. No form of discrimination against pregnant women is allowed. Under certain conditions, parental leave of up to 12 weeks is permitted within the

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